- Key documents
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- Key documents
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- Key documents
It is with joy and a some pride that we welcome you, dear reader, to our Magage’in, a unique single-issue magazine about the European Interreg Age’in project. This publication is the result of a four-year journey that we have completed with our partners in France, Belgium and the UK.
This Magage’in offers a look at how the projects on ageing in place, health, mobility, intergenerational connection and digital literacy were developed. You will read about workshops on the use of smartphones, digital kiosks, digital neighbourhood networks and modern healthcare technology. You will discover interesting ideas on intergenerational activities and local, neighbourhood-oriented network-enhancing projects.
Scientific publications
How can technology support ageing in place in healthy older adults? A systematic review:
Technology for aging in place 2019 Market overview:
Screening methodology
Presentation of the housing enabler
Joint strategy to detect isolated seniors and identify their specific needs
At the beginning of the AGE’IN project the mutual objective was clear: we wanted to detect elderly people experiencing loneliness and develop actions in our neighbourhoods to connect them. But how do you monitor the process you work on in a neighbourhood? How do you visualise change in the short and long term? How do you show that the interventions you are developing, have an impact? We decided it was more valuable to work with ‘impact monitoring’ tools rather than ‘impact measurement’ methodologies. We wanted to propose a detection strategy, test our hypothesises, adapt the strategy when necessary and end up with a framework that has a strong impact on our local communities. The ‘Theory of Change’ proved to be a framework that answered these questions.
Study on existing labels on adapted housing for seniors
Tests in living labs to improve current technologies and products for seniors
Screening of districts
In France, a study has been done on the whole boulogne district council (22 communes) : it is a diagnostic on the type of housing per neighborhood + portion of seniors in the population per neighborhood in order to plan strategies for the future regarding housing for seniors.
Guidelines for public authorities to better adapt public spaces
BDCO has been working in collaboration with innovative cities from the VADA (Aged friendly cities) network and with the city of Bruges and has produced a summary on how to adapt public space to elderly people…
Guidelines for professionals in contact with seniors in the Boulogne sur mer area: “Bien vieillir chez soi”
Boulogne-sur-Mer Développement Côte d’Opale has been working with Boulogne District council and the conseil départemental 62 council to produce this document. Seniors want to know what are the solutions to adapt their house and what grants and advice are available. The objective of the guide is to help any professional to answer the most frequently asked questions by seniors on that issue.
Quel scénario pour la rénovation de l’habitat social
AGE'IN European project (Interreg 2 Seas Mers Zeeën) - www.ageindependently.eu - Webmaster contact : communication@bellidee.fr - © 2023